New Landing How can we help? Atelier Is there a way to ensure shop product rows align?

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #238268
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    I have a couple of questions:
    1-When my product names are inconsistent lengths, it causes the rows to go wonky at different screen sizes so it is not very neat (please see link I sent in private part of this post). Is there a way to keep the products in neat rows regardless of the fact that the product names are different lengths?
    2- I set up my shopfronts by hand using the product asset and setting the Asset Type to “Latest Products” and then picking each category row-by-row (when I tried to use the “Categories” asset type it did not work – ALL categories were populating each row). However, the only way I could figure out to organize the wines within the rows was by changing the post dates. Is there an easier way to do this when I hand it off to my client?
    Thank you in advance!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) As the heights will be different, have you tested using a multi-masonry layout, or do you require it to be a fixed grid?

    You could test this CSS:

    .inner-page-wrap.full-width-shop ul.products>li.product-display-standard {
        margin-bottom: 45px!important;

    If that does not improve the layout you would need to specify a min-height, which we can assist you with.


    This is fixed for the next update. Looks like there is a small bug in the categories display setting.


    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    1. That css did not quite get me there because a consistent 45 px margin still throws off the row alignment when a product name wraps to two lines… HOWEVER you provided me with the css selectors I was struggling to identify so that I could then use the min-height setting, as you suggested, to give everyone enough space regardless of whether the product name is one line or two, and THAT was the ticket. Will just add a bit of css for mobile screens and I’m good to go.
    2. Great, thanks. Hopefully coming soon!

    Thanks for the quick response!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    No problem!

    2) Yeah, in the next release so it won’t be long.


    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    I just uploaded the new release and #2 still seems to be an issue…?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    The Swift Page Builder plugin or theme update?


    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    The new theme version 1.9 that came out today…

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Are you trying to show the products from the categories or are you trying to show he categories?

    – Kyle

    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    The products, as in your demo page:
    If you visit the dev site now it is set up the way I want it to look BUT I had to use “Latest Posts” and order those posts by date in order for the products to display in the correct order. In your response above, it looked like this would be fixed in the update so that if I selected “Categories” and then picked my category, the products would display in the order they are within the category, not by date order, which is going to be hard for my client to keep organized when I hand off the site.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    No you don’t select categories, that outputs this:

    Just choose one of the others for e.g. latest products, then select the category you want to pull products from

    – Kyle

    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    If I select categories, it displays the categories themselves, with little numbers floating up beside each of them to show how many products are in them, not in neat rows with the products individually displayed as in the url you sent to me (someone else in this forum have raised this issue too but no solution was ever posted). On our main shop page, I’m actually looking to display them like the page url you sent to me, all products in neat rows according to category, but that’s not how they display when I select Categories. Really, I’m happy to use Latest Products but is there a way to show them in the right order without having to order them by date? This is not user-friendly for my client.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    No, don’t select the categories type, select ‘latest products’ then in the category field enter the category you want to use. Repeat for each Row. This will show the products only from the category(ies) selected.

    – Kyle

    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Right, I understand. That is what I did. It works.

    The issue I have been struggling with is ordering individual products within each row. I asked originally, on January 4th in my question #2 in this string, if there was a way around using the date as the way of ordering the products within rows and David Martin said “that is fixed in the next update. Looks like there is a small bug in the categories display setting.” I think I thought he meant that I should select Categories and then the products would show up in the order I specified (presumably the menu order in the Advanced box in the Product Data fields but maybe I’m missing something there too…)

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Install a plugin called Post Types Order, this allows you to reorder your post/products

    – Kyle

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