New Landing How can we help? Atelier Blog questions

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #237243
    Post count: 92

    Hi I am setting up a blog and have some questions
    1. How to enable heart button?
    2. How to chnage regular “read more” link to a button as per your demo
    3. In regular blog view, I would like to have author and category displayed below title. I see category on your demo. I have nothing displayed. How can I fix it? Here is a link to my page
    4. How can I get rid of the featured image to be displayed after the title and before the post content? Example here


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) General Options => Plugin Options => Disable Love It => Love It Enabled

    2) If you edit the blog asset, look for the setting: “SHOW READ MORE LINK => Yes”. NOTE: Not used in Bold or Masonry types.

    3) If you edit the blog asset, is the setting “SHOW ITEM DETAILS” set to Yes?

    4) You want to move the single blog featured image to above the author details?


    Post count: 92

    2) I do not see such option
    3) I do not see such option

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Can you add a WP login and a URL for the page?


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