New Landing How can we help? Atelier Counter Delay

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #235623
    Post count: 9

    Good morning!

    I have installed some counters on one of my pages. They are located about halfway down the page. I was hoping to be able to delay the start of the counter until the user scrolled down and the counters popped into their viewport. Is this possible?

    I’ve tried changing the speed at which the counters “count,” but this seems to be total guesswork, as every user who visits my site is going to scroll at a faster/slower rate. I’ve thought about animating the row that the counters are in, but I’m worried that the counters will still count (and complete their count) before the row animates to life, if the user is a slow scroller.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

    Thanks so much!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Unfortunately that would not be possible to do, for this type of modification you would need to hire a web developer to assist you.


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