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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #230737
    Post count: 1


    This is probably a very basic WordPress/Dante theme question. I have created a site based on your example page layouts that I loaded previously, and have since deleted the old sample pages. Now I don’t like the Posts page layout ( and want to change the format so they are no longer in the blocky masonry style, but rather scroll down the page with more area for readability. I can’t seem to find where that is controlled by the admin and changing the “BLOG” page that was created does not do anything. Is there an easy way to load a new layout? Where in the admin is that page controlled? It does not follow the same formatting as the rest of the site. Having the same problem with this page:

    Thanks for your help.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Brent,

    The default blog index page settings are within the Theme Options => Archive/Category Options.


    Post count: 1

    Thanks! That doesn’t seem like a logical title for that section, but I appreciate you steering me there. That totally fixes it. Also, it’s only showing two lines of text in the synopsis… Any way I can expand that and remove the “heart icon” at the bottom right corner?

    Thanks again for your help.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    You need to make sure the blog page is not set as the ‘posts page’ in settings > reading as that will force the archive layout. Instead you should create a blog page using the blog page builder element

    – Kyle

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