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  • #230702
    Post count: 6

    hi there, we use and love your theme for building our new online store.
    Now we have a usability problem. When user sees a product page of a certain variable product, they can click through the product gallery but this will not change the variation. Choosing a product variation by using the image gallery is not possible. This is bad for Usability and will lead to many returns. What we should like to have is, that a user can change the variation (lets say color) by clicking on the color in the gallery below the image. Here is and example of how it is now. Do I make sense to you? Many thanks for your feedback and best regards, Leon

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Janima,

    Thanks for the feedback I have passed this onto the team for investigation and feasibility.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @Janima

    Unfortunately this is just how WooCommerce works – this isn’t anything the theme has control over.

    – Ed

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