New Landing How can we help? Atelier Translated strings are in theme options (not original in English)

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #230176
    Post count: 163

    Hello. I got some issue with WPML and Atelier theme.
    I have 2 languages on site: English and Danish. Main WP language is Danish (both, admin and frontend).
    I’m writing strings in theme options in English. And then I’m using WPML string translation to add Danish translation.
    But when I’m finishing with translations, they are replacing original strings in theme options (on site I still see text in both languages)

    Problem is that I see Danish translation in theme option and when I press Save to save some other options, I will replace English text with Danish. So every time I’m changing other params in theme options I still have to add all text in English.

    What can cause this?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    I think for this you will need to post this exact query with WPML support:

    We work together with them to always improve assist with WPML intergration, so please ask them to take a look and report back.

    – David.

    Post count: 163

    Hey David,
    I can do this but please be aware that the only problem is with theme options.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Yes, WPML should be able to handle that. Let me know their response.

    – David.

    Post count: 163

    They reported back:

    “You can see here that Atelier theme is still not compatible with WPML.

    But it’s currently under testing by our compatibility team. I forwarded this problem to them. You will be contacted when there are new informations.”

    … this is not that good?

    Post count: 163

    Just so you know the issue:

    I add english text in theme options and hit save. However when I go to translate these texts via WPML string translations AND go back to theme options you will notice that the english text I entered in theme option is suddenly… danish!?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Thanks for reporting this back, are you running the latest version?

    It sounds like they have forwarded this via email to our lead developer?


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