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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #230037
    Post count: 208


    I have just installed WPML to a testing website I am working on and it seems like when I change the language to Spanish the navigation menu breaks (it floats to the left behind the logo).

    Could you please help me troubleshoot this or I should contact WPML support?

    Thanks in advance.

    Post count: 208

    I have used the following:

    float: right;

    I am wondering though why this happened since I didn’t do anything different with the other menus…

    Mark as resolved.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Glad you got it sorted.

    Is the menu text longer? There should be no difference.


    Post count: 208

    Hi David,

    The weird thing is that the menu for the spanish text had one less page so it was actually shorter than the rest.
    However, the mega menu option in the other languages had 19 options whereas the spanish one had 17 and the problem might have started from there.

    But again, I don’t know why this would happen to begin with.

    Anyway with the css code it’s sorted so everything is fine.
    Thanks for your reply.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Great, thanks for reporting that.

    – David.

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