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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #229451
    Post count: 240

    I received an email on the 16th regarding a new update available for Atelier. However when I go to Appearance > Themes, there’s no update available for the theme. It says I’m running version 1.75 while themeforest has version 1.80 listed as the most current. How come it’s not showing up as an update like usual?

    Post count: 30

    I’m having the same issue where the update v1.80 is not showing up in the dashboard as it did with previous updates. This allowed us to simply click an “update” button and have the theme update automatically. Will the update v1.80 be pushed to the wordpress dashboard?

    Post count: 210

    I’m pretty sure the theme update has never been available to upgrade via the dashboard. We have always had to download the update from themeforest and then manually upload via FTP. We can update the plugins via the dashboard after we update the theme though.

    Post count: 30

    For us it has always been available to upgrade via the dashboard. It used to show up under upgrades in WordPress anytime an update was available.

    Post count: 240

    I’m with carteblanch on this one. I’ve never once had to download from themeforest and reupload. I’ve always been notified of theme updates and did it with a single click from the themes dashboard within WordPress.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hey guys,

    Unfortunately we are having an issue with our auto-update host at the moment. Hoping to have it resolved as soon as possible so that we can push the auto-update.

    – Ed

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