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  • Posted in: Joyn
  • #226457
    Post count: 44


    I have my client complaining saying the website is very slow anywhere he enters, connected evey via ethernet cable to modem.

    Hosting says its ok from their side and that the problem is the theme 🙁

    Please, can you tell me anything I can do?

    Thank you!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    I’d recommend you install a decent caching plugin such as W3 Total Cache, then deliver your content via a CDN such as MaxCDN and ultimatly I’d recomend a decent web host, which for WordPress is almost exlcusivly WPEngine.

    Other obvious speed tweaks would be optimize all images for web, before uploading to WP. Keep the size small and then use a plugin such as WP to reduce the total image size further.


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