New Landing How can we help? Atelier Swift Builder – Shop Products categories

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #224740
    Post count: 23

    Hi There,
    In trying to create a bit more of a custom shop landing page, I’m trying to use the Shop Products element in swift builder to show a few specific categories, or the sub categories of a category (either method is fine).

    I’m a bit confused at how this works? When I select Asset type -> Categories, then choose only the product categories I’d like to display in the Product Category input box, it does not appear to work on the front end? I’ve tried multiple variations and options. How does this work exactly??

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    The categories type will show all of your categories, it’s not currently possible to select certain categories (that option is for products)

    You could use image banners like we have on our demo, to link to the categories

    – Kyle

    Post count: 23

    Hi Kyle,
    Thanks for the reply.

    You may want to update/fix/explain this module. I understand that there is a version for products, for which the label and instructions change (says “use product ID, comma separated”). When on the products category as in my screen shot, it auto searches and autofills the categories, which makes it VERY confusing. Since the categories are available to select, is this a feature that is likely to make the product road map?

    Thank you,

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Thanks for the feedback, will pass this onto the dev team.


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