Apologize for the delay.
1) Add the code below to your custom css option
.single-jobs .page-heading{
display: block!important;
2) You should copy single-jobs.php to your child theme and replace line 35
<span class="vcard author"><?php echo sprintf(__('Posted by <a href="%2$s" rel="author" itemprop="author" class="fn">%1$s</a> on <span class="date updated">%3$s</span> in %4$s', 'swiftframework'), $post_author, get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta( 'ID' )), $post_date, $post_categories); ?></span>
by this one
<span class="vcard author"><?php echo sprintf(__('Posted on <span class="date updated">%1$s</span>', 'swiftframework'), $post_date); ?></span>
3) Can you try the jobs asset instead?