New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Joyn theme settings wiped

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  • Posted in: Joyn
  • #216666

    Hi guys,

    I recently experienced an issue where all the theme settings were restored to default. The developer nor I have any idea how this could have happened, except the developer said this:

    “I logged in and changed just that minify setting to disable JS/CSS compression and that’s it.” – would this have had any effect on the theme settings?

    Or would enabling/disabling other plugins effect the theme defaults?

    Love to know how it happened so we don’t get a repeat occurrence.

    If possible, please also CC in [email protected] on your reply.

    Many thanks,

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Its only wiped on theme change. I think that any anyone change the theme.

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