Hello Mohammad,
thank you for answering and for your advice, to use a plugin to change the standard-slug of the portfolios.
We used this plugin “custom-post-type-permalink” already and the results haven’t been acceptible.
We don’t want to use a third party plugin, we just want to now how we have to change the standard-slug
of the theme: ‘portfolio-category’:
Where do we have to change ‘portfolio-category’ / where can we do the rewrite to another custom-slug?
functions.php, portfolio.php, /includes/custom-post-types/portfolio-type.php?
Through portfolio-type.php we tried already a
” ‘rewrite’ => array(‘slug’ => ‘custompage/customslug)
for the custom post type, and this works, but not for the slug ‘portfolio-category’-slug.
There is still http://www.domain.com/portfolio-category/tagexample/
For each post-tag the theme creates an own slug..so we need to change this without a third party-plugin, please!
Thank you in anticipation for any help.
Kindest Regards,