New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood can't find login and cart in mobile page

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  • #21362
    Post count: 30


    I have several problem.

    1. login and cart menu on mobile

    I can’t find login and cart menu when I open the page with mobile(cell phone).
    Even I can’t find in demo site, either.

    Would you let me know how I can setting to show login and cart menu on mobile?

    I there is no such function in current version,
    I hope you to fix this next version!

    2. mobile cart page

    I tried to see mobile cart page on computer by narrowing my browser.
    but It seems not arranged properly in cart page on mobile.
    Line is overlapped on letters.
    Please fix this too.

    3. Korean web font does not apply to this theme

    I tried to Korean webfont(from google) to the theme, (by revising CSS file)
    it does not work in MS Windows. (but work in MAC OS)

    If we don’t appoint Korean web-font in css,
    it shows automatically ‘Dotum’ font in browser in Korea.
    But only in Neighborhood Theme, it shows ‘Gulim’ font.

    I guess that theme forced to set specific font with code or something.
    Please let me know If there is any way not to enforce theme to appoint font.

    It is great theme, but we are struggling applying it in Korean web environment.

    Thanks for your support in advance!!


    Post count: 30

    Already tried your instruction about web-font;

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    I’ll gladly forward this to the developer to consider.

    Post count: 30

    Thanks for your help, Melanie.

    But how about 3rd question?
    Do you have any solution?

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) We added this in the v1.3 update.

    2) Can you provide a link to your site to check?

    3) No official solution, try the link provided as that was a solution for getting it working manually.

    – Ed

    Post count: 30

    It worked for font.

    But I should fix original CSS file.
    Custom CSS in Theme general option didin’t work.

    Thanks anyway!

    Post count: 27


    I’ve the same problem. I’ve installed the 1.68 version, but when I see the website in my mobile, I can’t see the top bar, where I’ve the login button, cart, account…

    How can I do to show this buttons?


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Damián,

    As of yet, only the cart/menu buttons will show on mobile. We’re looking at ways to improve this with additional options in the future.

    – Ed

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