New Landing How can we help? Atelier Slow wordpress admin and frontend

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #212441
    Post count: 10

    Sorry, but I followed all your instruction about cache, optimization etc, but in many cases the pages of my site (more the woocommerce pages that others..) are very very very slow..

    For PINGDOM my Perf. grade is 98/99, but it’s very slow!

    You can tell me some suggestions?


    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please contact to hosting provider about it. They will suggest you right solution to speed up the website.

    Post count: 10

    This is not a response..

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Well 4 seconds in 2.2mb page size on the homepage that’s a good speed, also notice the Woocommerce pages a little bit slower but since it has to gather more information it’s reasonable that it takes a bit more time.

    If you already applied all those procedures of optimization that you described above, then the only thing that can be done it’s hiring a faster hosting(this one is already fast in my opinion).

    We work with the guys from WP-Engine that are great, faster then them there are the Kinsta guys(
    But the prices also start rising with the speed.

    Hope my answer helps.


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