New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Disable WPML translation for Team Custom Post Type

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #212163
    Post count: 44

    I am using Essential Grid plugin and trying to display a grid of Team members (from the Cardinal Custom Post Type).

    I have created 8 Team Members, and in english it works fine. But when the page tries to call the Essential Grid in Spanish, it cannot find the selection. Of course, it is trying to pull the Spanish versions of the Team Members.

    I would like it to not translate the Team Custom Post type, so that regardless of language, it pulls the English versions.

    I believe you set this in WPML > Translation Options where I can tell it to translate or do nothing.

    However, most of the Cardinal Custom Post Types are AUTOMATICALLY set to “Translate” and not available to disable as this screenshot shows.

    Can you help me determine how to have plugins or the system use Cardinal CPTs in English only?

    Thanks very much.


    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    You can go in WPML > Translation Management > Multilanguage Content Setup and at the section Custom Post you can choose which types you want to translate or not.

    Post count: 44

    WPML > Translation Management shows he same thing. The Cardinal Custom Post Types are dimmed out as the image shows:

    Why are only some of the Cardinal CPTs dimmed out? Can you help me determine how to change them to “Do Not Translate”?

    Thanks. Mike

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    I guess that’s because you can choose to translate it or not inside the specific items like it works with the posts and pages.

    For instance it will only exist a translation in a Portfolio if you create a specific language Portfolio version, by default it will only be in the main language.

    Hope it helps.


    Post count: 44

    I found that the translations for Cardinal were being forced in wpml-config.xml at the root of the theme:

            <custom-type translate="1">portfolio</custom-type>
            <custom-type translate="1">clients</custom-type>
            <custom-type translate="1">galleries</custom-type>
            <custom-type translate="1">team</custom-type>
            <custom-type translate="1">testimonials</custom-type>
            <custom-type translate="1">directory</custom-type>
            <taxonomy translate="1">portfolio-category</taxonomy>
            <taxonomy translate="1">clients-category</taxonomy>
            <taxonomy translate="1">gallery-category</taxonomy>
            <taxonomy translate="1">team-category</taxonomy>
            <taxonomy translate="1">testimonials-category</taxonomy>
            <taxonomy translate="1">directory-category</taxonomy>
            <taxonomy translate="1">directory-location</taxonomy>

    I’m not sure if that is what was intended, but it is in the Cardinal theme root, which WPML is reading and not allowing modification.

    Once I remove the custom post type and category from the xml file, I can set it manually in the WPML config.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Yes, that’s intended because you can choose or not to translate those CPT in the item page itself like I told you. The same that you do for Pages and Posts.

    Only the CPT that don’t have a front page like SPB Sections and Swift Slider need to be translate the other way.


    Post count: 44

    Thanks Rui.

    But I don’t understand. When I remove the line:

    <custom-type translate="1">team</custom-type>

    from wpml-config.xml, I can manually change the the CPT to “DO NOT TRANSLATE”

    It looks to me like the attribute: translate="1" is forcing a TRUE to always translate.

    Are you saying that is not what it is doing?

    Thanks, Mike

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Exactly.That’s to tell to WPML what CPT should be translated.

    Language Configuration Files

    Don’t see the necessity of changing the option to “Do not translate” since it’s up to you to translate or not using that option of my previous screenshot.


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