New Landing How can we help? Atelier Tabs when renamed stop working

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #212090
    Post count: 58

    Sorry for duplicatig topic, somehow I system didn’t let me make a post into previous thread.

    Dear support team,

    Could you please check the page

    Tabs when renamed stop working.

    Also, SLider with Thumbs doesn’t work properly. What is the reason, how can it be solved?

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    I edited the page content in /visual/text mode editor.
    Find these shortcodes:-

    [spb_tab title="раз" icon="" id=""]
    [spb_tab title="два" icon="" id=""]
    [spb_tab title="еще" icon="" id=""]

    Change with respectively :-

    [spb_tab title="раз" icon="" id="tab1"]
    [spb_tab title="два" icon="" id="tab2"]
    [spb_tab title="еще" icon="" id="tab3"]

    I inserted tab1,tab2, tab3 to give the Id.

    Post count: 58

    Mohammad hi,

    On the same page.

    The problem with Slider Style with Thumbs. It doesn’t work properly: somehow there are no thumbs and slider doesn’t work.

    Can you please check the reason of the problem and help solve it.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    That’s caused by Huge It Video gallery plugin, when I disable it looks fine.


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