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  • #209942
    Post count: 34


    My client has now decided that they want to go back to a normal drop down menu instead of Mega Menu. I looked through the forum and saw how to change it to Mega Menu here but when I looked at the menu as is from the backend, it looks like this (attached) and I did not see any Mega Menu Columns etc as the link above showed.

    I would greatly appreciate help with this. I don’t want to go in and move stuff around and risk losing important structure, so I decided to ask here first 🙂

    Thank you!

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Sorted this for you

    – Kyle

    Post count: 34

    Thank you. It looks okay for some of them, but yikes the “About Us” is a mess! I’ve attached a screenshot. Maybe they don’t need “About the soldiers project” under that? Can you keep all the same sub pages, just have them drop down so they are visible in one big column? “About the Soliders Project” is kind of like a header… I can ask the client if we can drop it if it makes it work.

    Please help ASAP because they just had a press release and are getting traffic today :0

    Thank you in advance

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    Post count: 34

    Hey, I just went in and deleted the “About The Soldiers Project” submenu that was creating all the trouble in the screenshot above.

    Let’s hit the pause button on this while I wait to hear back from the client. I think they will ask why the text is so far over to the right, but let me see if they are okay with the general set up for now.

    thanks, here’s what it looks like now.

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Those menu items can be aligned left with some simple CSS if you need to, let us know if you need any help.


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