New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Blog Titles (SEO), visibility of password protected posts etc.

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #209836
    Post count: 40

    Hi there,

    we are using dante for our blog. i just updated dante & wordpress to the newest version:
    my questions are:

    – we have to use password protected post for customer verification, but these blog posts are shown for all users. only logged in users (admins) should see password protected posts in blog overview – how is it possible?

    – in blog overview, the article titles are <h4> headlines-> but all the titles have to be <h2> headlines, where can I change it?

    – where can i add rel=”nofollow” to social bar icons (on the upper right corner)

    – on smaller devices, there is a wrap in the top bar menu, how can I change it? (13″ mac display)

    – how can i move the page logo 10px to the bottom?

    – where can I change the grey background color of the mansory blog posts here -> in your example it is white

    – where can I change the font-size of the blog footer?

    – font / strong:
    a) letter spacing from attributes are very wide, how to change it?
    b) where can I change the link color to #00c6b3 only in posts (not for post carousel)

    thx a lot

    Post count: 40

    another question – how can i set that text is shown in categories before blog posts from this category? e.g. here:
    -> before updating the template, the text was shown..

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Firstly disable any caching plugins whilst doing these changes.

    1) Password protected posts: Can you set a post to private so we can test this? Everything looks normal our end.

    2) Change H4: Within the file /dante/includes/sf-post-formats.php there is a function called sf_get_post_item(). You will need to copy that whole function into your child theme functions.php file. Then replace the h4 tags with your desired tags. Here is the whole function for your easy reference:

    3) No Follow Social: This is a bit more tricky, but as above. Copy this function sf_social_icons() into your child theme functions.php file and add your nofollow modification to any of the social links.

    4) Could you screenshot this, I do not see what you are referring to.

    5) Logo: Please add this CSS to your theme options CSS:

    #logo {
        margin-top: 10px!important;

    6) Masonry Blog Background: Please add this CSS to your theme options CSS:

    .masonry-items .blog-item .masonry-item-wrap {
        background: #ffffff!important;

    7) Change footer font size: Please add this CSS to your theme options CSS:

    #footer-widgets .widget p,  
    #footer-widgets .widget ul {
        font-size: 18px;

    8) Letter spacing from attributes: Could you screenshot this, I do not see what you are referring to.

    9) Single Post link color: Please add this CSS to your theme options CSS:

    .single-post p > a {
        color: red!important;
    .single-post p > a:hover {
        color: red!important;

    10) Set that text is shown in categories: What text do you want, the category description?


    Post count: 40

    Hi, thx.

    1) Password protected posts: Can you set a post to private so we can test this? Everything looks normal our end.

    -> see attached screeshots, the protected post ist shown for everyone although the article is password protected. if I set the visibilty to “private” , it is not possible to send the link to partners to check the content. so it is necessary that password protected posts are not shown for non logged in users.

    6) Masonry Blog Background: Please add this CSS to your theme options CSS:
    .masonry-items .blog-item .masonry-item-wrap {
    background: #ffffff!important;

    -> thx, but how can I set the background to a light grey as shown here: -> I would like to have exactly the same color sheme

    9) Single Post link color: Please add this CSS to your theme options CSS:
    .single-post p > a {
    color: red!important;

    .single-post p > a:hover {
    color: red!important;

    .single-post p > a {
    color: red!important;

    .single-post p > a:hover {
    color: red!important;

    -> If I add this, the sidebar links are also green, I only want to change the color from body

    10) Set that text is shown in categories: What text do you want, the category description?
    -> there are categories with text here: -> before the update, the text was shown before the posts from the category, e.g. here: -> this text is shown (for seo) under the headline:
    “Welche Eventlocation ist neu, super angesagt oder besticht durch besondere Merkmale? Hier erfahrt Ihr detailliert die wichtigsten Neuigkeiten und angesagtesten Trends zu Locations und der Szene. Von der heruntergekommenen Off-Location bis zum High-end Ballsaal – wir berichten Euch von den schönsten Locations zuerst.”

    11) SEO – I want that on each page this meta data: <meta name=”robots” content=”noodp,noydir”/> -> where can I change it / add it?

    12) Click on Logo (home) -> where can I change the link target from the logo? Now, the link is “; , but I need “; (without “/” at the end)


    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Hi, this is not how it works. The password protected post will ask for a login when you try to view the post. It does this for me:

    2) Color – Page => Inner page background color => #F7F7F7

    6) Please use this amended CSS:

    .single-post .article-body-wrap p > a {
    color: red!important;
    .single-post .article-body-wrap p > a:hover {
    color: red!important;
    .single-post .article-body-wrap p > a {
    color: red!important;
    .single-post .article-body-wrap p > a:hover {
    color: red!important;

    10) This is not currently possible out the box. You would need to request the customisation and WerkPress will provide you with a quote.

    11) Please activate your child theme. Within the child theme, find the file functions.php you will need to add the below code to that file.

    if (!function_exists('sf_custom_add_meta_tags')) {	
    	function sf_custom_add_meta_tags() {
    		echo "\n" . '<meta name="robots" content="noodp,noydir" />' . "\n";
    	add_action( 'wp_head', 'sf_custom_add_meta_tags' );

    12) You will need to alter the function sf_logo(). Please paste this code into your child theme functions.php file:

    You will need to replaice this $logo_link_url = home_url(); with your own link, for example: $logo_link_url = '';

    Post count: 40

    Hi, thanks. works without 1 & 10:

    1) Yes I know, but it should be possible to show protected previews to our clients without creating a user account. before the update, anybody of your team realised that for me very quickly. Any chance?

    10) this was also possible before updating – any ideas? it worked “out of the box” in older version.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    1) guess you will have to publish the page and set the password that way isn’t necessary account, if it’s in Draft they won’t be able to see it without an account.

    10) Do you have any screenshot of how it was before?



    Post count: 40


    1) YES, and thats what not possible. The problem is that we have no chance to send a preview to partners / clients from blog posts. because for that, there is a public article necessary but this is not possible because anybody can see the protected post. SO I NEED AN INVISIBLE POSTS which is accessable with a password. As I told you, it was possible before.

    2) See screenshot attached. thx

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Sounds like we are misunderstanding the request. When you updated your theme, you lost your customizations.


    You have in the past made a customisation for this to work, then when you have updated the theme the customisation has been overwritten because it was not within a child theme. Here is your past ticket for this issue:

    Let me check with Mohammed and see what he did for you and if he can help you out with this customisation.

    a) Activate your child theme.
    b) Copy category.php into the child theme folder.
    c) Add this code: <div class="swift-category-custom"><p><?php echo category_description(); ?></p></div> before this line <div class="inner-page-wrap <?php echo $page_wrap_class; ?> blog-type-<?php echo $blog_type; ?> clearfix">


    Post count: 40

    thx – copy this code directyl in categories.php from dante theme it is working, copy code to child theme isn’t working. anything else I have to to without copy “categories.php” to child template?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    I am trying to login to take a look at your child theme setup, the login details are not working.

    Can you check and update theme.


    Post count: 40
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Post count: 40

    Hi, last Topic: I have problems with the image captions. all image captions are <h4> headlines, but I don’t want this. Image captions should be a normal class without a headline (<hx>, how can we set this?

    example: -> pw: “kinoundkantine”


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    If you want just to change the style you can use the css rule below and format you desired properties.

    .image-caption h4 {
        font-size: 15px;
        font-style: normal;


    Post count: 40

    Yes, but for SEO Reasons we would like to remove the <h4>. How is that possible?

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