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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #208929
    Post count: 23

    Hi, When we tried to update Dante with the last two versions 3.11 and now 3.15 we get the following error:
    An error occurred while updating Dante: The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions. page.php, archive.php, template-holding.php, single-portfolio.php, includes, single-jobs.php, language, functions.php, wpml-config.xml, template-holding-alt.php, single-team.php, css, single.php, template-fw-alt.php, template-fw.php, single-product.php, header.php, screenshot.png, style.css, js, taxonomy-portfolio-category.php, header-alt.php, single-galleries.php, 404.php, footer-alt.php, images, index.php, search.php, comments.php, footer.php, woocommerce, swift-framework, category.php, bbpress, buddypress, includes/sf-formatting.php, includes/sf-comments.php, includes/sf-post-formats.php, includes/sf-blog.php, includes/sf-header.php, includes/wp-updates-theme.php, includes/sf-custom-styles.php, includes/sf-sidebars.php, includes/sf-theme-functions.php, includes/options, includes/sf-media.php, includes/sf-options.php, includes/sf-colour-scheme, includes/sf-menus.php, includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php, includes/sf-page-heading.php, includes/sf-customizer-options.php, includes/sf-styleswitcher, etc…

    Please advise, thanks.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Doesn’t sounds like anything to do with the theme – I’d check your /wp-content/themes/ permissions, or ask your host if you aren’t sure.

    – Ed

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