New Landing How can we help? Atelier Bug buying process: shipping costs are not included

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #208915
    Post count: 5

    I’m sorry in advance beacause my english is poor.
    In my shop created with the theme workshop, I found that delivery costs are not shown in the cart or included in the total price of an order, which is not normal.

      – I configured delivery parameters as indicated in the documentation WooCommerce but it gives nothing.

    is this a bug or is there a special configuration for delivery to

    Can you help me please? thank you in advance


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Please add your URL and WP login details.

    Please check this:

    1) WooCommerce => Settings => Tax => Enable Taxes
    2) WooCommerce => Settings => Tax => Display Prices During Cart and Checkout => Excluding Tax


    Post count: 5
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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    I see this message at your Admin Dashboard :-
    Votre thème (Atelier Child Theme) comporte des copies obsolètes de certains gabarits de WooCommerce. Ces fichiers peuvent nécessiter une mise à jour pour assurer une compatibilité avec la version actuelle de WooCommerce. Vous pouvez voir les fichiers concernés depuis la page de statut système. En cas de doute, vérifiez avec l’auteur du thème.

    Its mean that you have customized the woocommerce through Child theme. You need to update the child theme’s woocommerce files through parent theme and make your changes in these files again.


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