I wonder if you could help me with the following questions please.
1. Is there a way to turn off previous and next buttons for products.
2. Is there a way to turn off breadcrumbs at the top of the product as I prefer the title to show at the top and as it includes categories further down don’t want the breadcrumbs on. http://grab.by/JPFw
3. How do I get the cart to work as when I click on view cart and proceed to checkout it just remain on the product page.
4. Another issue I’ve noticed it takes ages for images to load on the view cart icon at the top when you hover over, when you hover over, the shopping cart popup opens and it tells me what’s in the cart but often this images never load and just show the spinning loading gif. http://grab.by/JPGu Just for reference I’ve got Add to cart ajax disabled in theme settings woocommerce products options.
5. So I opened my cart page manually via view page (backend of wordpress in pages) and the items show up here but click on preceed to checkout button and it goes nowhere just reloads the cart page.
6. The link for Shop all products link just goes to my homepage and not my store page http://grab.by/JPJw How do I alter this to go to my store page instead. I know its maybe something to do with setting shop page on Woocommerce settings under product display tab. But and this is the strange thing I can’t work out my shop page was from the demo of your main site which displays in four columns but doesn’t appear to exist in pages anywhere and has no edit page button appear on the front end like all other pages, so confused to where this page actually is, I’ve checked all the demo pages created and it just isn’t there, yet appears fine frontend and clearly exists.
7. Is there any way to change http://grab.by/JPN6 the comma between parent (Outspire) and subcategory (Zeneffigy) on the product page details on the right of a product to be something more like this Outspire – Zeneffigy or better still Outspire > Zeneffigy.
8. Also Swift Framework doesn’t seem to update right, I update it and it appears to work but then it tells me again it wants updating.