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  • Posted in: Joyn
  • #206368
    Post count: 1

    Hi! I realize when using the page builder that you user col-sm bootstrap page. I didn’t find the place in your code to change it to a higher range (col-md or col-lg) so I can have more control with the medium and small class of the bootstrap grid. I also find out that the slider have an issue on 768px exactly, and this too, I didn’t find the place to fix it in the code. You can see the issue on the file add below.

    I add some screenshot to help you understand what i’m trying to say / do

    Best Regards

    Front-end dev

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Frank,

    Are you looking for the Blog from within the page builder?

    Take a look here: swift-framework/content/sf-blog.php

    You will see within this file there are numerous PHP functions which output the blog and it’s contents, being a front-end dev you will also quickly notice the familiar column codes within those functions that control the layout.

    Let me know how you get on.


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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Those Page Builder elements are actually located within the plugin called Swift Framework, to change them would be a very large modification.

    Some of the content elements you are using could be located within the theme folder also, joyn/swift-framework/content/.

    Is there a specific page builder element you need help locating?


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