New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Chrome vs Firefox looks "magnified" at 100%!

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #203346
    Post count: 239

    MADDENING BROWSER INCONSISTENCY! My homepage looks very different on Chrome to Firefox. ALL the elements (top nav, logo and central “note” are clearly LARGER in Chrome. I want it to look the same as Firefox. I can see that the Cardinal Demo page does, so it is certainly possible without any kind of hack… I have carefully shown both side by side, so please fix ๐Ÿ™‚

    On SP3, Windows 10.

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    They look the same to me?

    Apart from Firefox renders fonts more bold, logo and everything exactly the same though

    – Kyle

    Post count: 239

    Definitely not showing same for both. I will show Chrome and then Firefox, okay? As I say, exactly the same machine, same browsers show other Cardinal themes consistently on both, so it is really odd!

    Here is Chrome again.

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    Post count: 239

    And here is Firefox. Please use the login and take a look? I am using Master Slider, and the video is 720×4980 but this is clearly not the issue since, as well as the video and “note” being enlarged on Chrome, so too is the header navigation and logo! Thanks – please please help – this is taking so long to launch ๐Ÿ™

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Have you tried on another computer? It’s likely just your browser, because they are the same on mine

    – Kyle

    Post count: 239

    Well this is really weird. Firstly, thanks for your quick response! Indeed it is my computer (Surface Pro 3, Windows 10) because on my desktop (Windows 7) it is showing exactly the same on both. So you have identified one thing – much appreciated.

    I’d still like to know why, and if there is a fix for this annoying Chrome issue, but in checking on another machine, I notice another problem – there is no frontpage video in Firefox. GRAAAH! So I’d like to know why – the video is being hosted elsewhere as there was also an issue with – it is on fasthosts, but this isn’t a problem in itself, it would seem. This could help?

    So why is it not showing on my desktop firefox but working fine on my SP3? It would help to know what background video file format Firefox is looking for, as I have .webm, .ogg (it actually converts as .ogv and I renamed it to .ogg – why is there no simple way of doing this, even with something like “Any Video Converter” – i.e. why are the extensions requiring renaming?!) and .mp4. MAddening hassles to get background video to work – cannot tell you how long this has taken to try and fix…

    Thanks so much for your time on this.


    Post count: 239

    My mistake – Firefox seems to show video on both machines. Only outstanding issue is this damn zoom thing, which makes no sense as other Cardinal themes are fine (same “zoom” on both Firefox and Chrome)…

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    The zoom will be specific to your browser, it sounds like you will need to reset the zoom in each. On a Mac cmd+0.


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