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Post count: 48

I’m not a programmer ๐Ÿ˜› so, how can i replace the following part in the /includes/sf-page-heading.php in the functions.php?

### OLD
<?php } else { ?>

<h1 class=”entry-title” <?php echo $article_heading_text; ?>><?php echo $page_title; ?> TITEL</h1>

<?php } ?>
### NEW
<?php } else { ?>

<h1 class=”entry-title” <?php echo $article_heading_text; ?>><?php echo $page_title; ?> TITEL</h1>
<?php if ($page_subtitle) { ?>
<h3><?php echo $page_subtitle; ?></h3>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>

Thanks a lot! ๐Ÿ™‚