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  • #192991
    Post count: 25

    I’m using the blog – standard module to display blog posts on my home page

    Currently, the post title appears below the featured image; the date and comments link appears to the right of the featured image, and the category is not shown.

    What can I change so that they post title, date, and category appears above the featured image, and the category appears below the featured image when using the blog – standard module?

    Thank you.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please paste this code at functions.php of child theme.

    function sf_get_post_item($postID, $blog_type, $show_title = "yes", $show_excerpt = "yes", $show_details = "yes", $excerpt_length = "20", $content_output = "excerpt", $show_read_more = "no") {
    			$post_item = "";
    			$post_format = get_post_format($postID);
    			global $sidebars;
    			$post_format = get_post_format();
    			if ( $post_format == "" ) {
    				$post_format = 'standard';
    			$post_title = get_the_title();
    			$post_author = get_the_author_link();
    			$post_date = get_the_date();
    			$post_categories = get_the_category_list(', ');
    			$post_comments = get_comments_number();
    			$post_permalink = get_permalink();
    			$custom_excerpt = sf_get_post_meta($postID, 'sf_custom_excerpt', true);
    			$post_excerpt = '';
    			if ($content_output == "excerpt") {
    				if ($custom_excerpt != '') {
    				$post_excerpt = custom_excerpt($custom_excerpt, $excerpt_length);
    				} else {
    				if ($post_format == "quote") {
    				$post_excerpt = get_the_content_with_formatting();
    				} else {
    				$post_excerpt = excerpt($excerpt_length);
    			} else {
    				$post_excerpt = get_the_content_with_formatting();
    			if ($post_format == "chat") {
    			$post_excerpt = sf_chat_post($postID);
    			$post_item = $thumb_image = $thumb_width = $thumb_height = $bordered_thumb_width = $bordered_thumb_height = $video = $video_height = $bordered_video_height = $item_class = $link_config = $item_icon = '';
    			if ($blog_type == "mini") {
    				if ($sidebars == "no-sidebars") {
    				$thumb_width = 446;
    				$thumb_height = NULL;
    				$video_height = 335;
    				} else {
    				$thumb_width = 290;
    				$thumb_height = NULL;
    				$video_height = 218;
    			} else if ($blog_type == "masonry") {
    				if ($sidebars == "both-sidebars") {
    				$item_class = "span3";
    				} else {
    				$item_class = "span4";
    				$thumb_width = 480;
    				$thumb_height = NULL;
    				$video_height = 360;
    			} else {
    				if ($sidebars == "both-sidebars") {
    					if ($show_details == "yes") {
    						$standard_post_width = "span5";
    					} else {
    						$standard_post_width = "span6";
    				} else if ($sidebars == "right-sidebar" || $sidebars == "left-sidebar" || $sidebars == "one-sidebar") {
    					if ($show_details == "yes") {
    						$standard_post_width = "span6";
    					} else {
    						$standard_post_width = "span7";
    				} else {
    					if ($show_details == "yes") {
    						$standard_post_width = "span10";
    					} else {
    						$standard_post_width = "span11";
    				$thumb_width = 970;
    				$thumb_height = NULL;
    				$video_height = 728;
    			$thumb_type = sf_get_post_meta($postID, 'sf_thumbnail_type', true);
    			$thumb_image = rwmb_meta('sf_thumbnail_image', 'type=image&size=full');
    			$thumb_video = sf_get_post_meta($postID, 'sf_thumbnail_video_url', true);
    			$thumb_gallery = rwmb_meta( 'sf_thumbnail_gallery', 'type=image&size=blog-image' );
    			$thumb_link_type = sf_get_post_meta($postID, 'sf_thumbnail_link_type', true);
    			$thumb_link_url = sf_get_post_meta($postID, 'sf_thumbnail_link_url', true);
    			$thumb_lightbox_thumb = rwmb_meta( 'sf_thumbnail_image', 'type=image&size=large' );
    			$thumb_lightbox_image = rwmb_meta( 'sf_thumbnail_link_image', 'type=image&size=large' );
    			$thumb_lightbox_video_url = sf_get_post_meta($postID, 'sf_thumbnail_link_video_url', true);
    			foreach ($thumb_image as $detail_image) {
    				$thumb_img_url = $detail_image['url'];
    			if (!$thumb_image) {
    				$thumb_image = get_post_thumbnail_id();
    				$thumb_img_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumb_image, 'full' );
    			$thumb_lightbox_img_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumb_lightbox_image, 'full' );
    			$item_figure = $link_config = "";
    			if ($thumb_link_type == "link_to_url") {
    				$link_config = 'href="'.$thumb_link_url.'" class="link-to-url"';
    				$item_icon = "link";
    			} else if ($thumb_link_type == "link_to_url_nw") {
    				$link_config = 'href="'.$thumb_link_url.'" class="link-to-url" target="_blank"';
    				$item_icon = "link";
    			} else if ($thumb_link_type == "lightbox_thumb") {
    				$link_config = 'href="'.$thumb_img_url.'" class="lightbox" data-rel="ilightbox['.$post_ID.']"';
    				$item_icon = "search";
    			} else if ($thumb_link_type == "lightbox_image") {
    				$lightbox_image_url = '';
    				foreach ($thumb_lightbox_image as $image) {
    					$lightbox_image_url = $image['full_url'];
    				$link_config = 'href="'.$lightbox_image_url.'" class="lightbox" data-rel="ilightbox['.$post_ID.']"';
    				$item_icon = "search";	
    			} else if ($thumb_link_type == "lightbox_video") {
    				$link_config = 'href="'.$thumb_lightbox_video_url.'" class="lightbox" data-rel="ilightbox['.$postID.']"';
    				$item_icon = "facetime-video";
    			} else {
    				$link_config = 'href="'.$post_permalink.'" class="link-to-post"';
    				$item_icon = "file-o";
    			if ($show_title) {
    					if ($post_format == "link") {
    					$post_item .= '<h2 itemprop="name headline">'.sf_link_post($postID).'</h2>'; 	
    					} else {
    					$post_item .= '<h2 itemprop="name headline"><a href="'.$post_permalink.'">'. $post_title .'</a></h2>';
    			if ($thumb_type != "none") {
    			$item_figure .= '<figure>';
    			if ($thumb_type == "video") {
    				$video = video_embed($thumb_video, $thumb_width, $video_height);
    				$item_figure .= $video;
    			} else if ($thumb_type == "slider") {
    				$item_figure .= '<div class="flexslider thumb-slider"><ul class="slides">';
    				foreach ( $thumb_gallery as $image )
    				    $item_figure .= "<li><a ".$link_config."><img src='{$image['url']}' width='{$image['width']}' height='{$image['height']}' alt='{$image['alt']}' /></a></li>";
    				$item_figure .= '</ul></div>';
    			} else {
    				$image = aq_resize( $thumb_img_url, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, true, false);
    				$image_title = sf_featured_img_title();
    				if ($image) {
    					$item_figure .= '<a '.$link_config.'>';
    					if ($blog_type != "standard") {
    					$item_figure .= '<div class="overlay"><div class="thumb-info">';
    					$item_figure .= '<i class="fa-'.$item_icon.'"></i>';
    					$item_figure .= '</div></div>';
    					$item_figure .= '<img itemprop="image" src="'.$image[0].'" width="'.$image[1].'" height="'.$image[2].'" alt="'.$image_title.'" />';
    					$item_figure .= '</a>';
    			$item_figure .= '</figure>';
    			// MASONRY STYLING				
    			if ($blog_type == "masonry") {
    				if ($post_format == "quote") {
    					$post_item .= '<div class="quote-display"><i class="fa-quote-left"></i></div>';
    				} else {
    					$post_item .= $item_figure;
    				$post_item .= '<div class="details-wrap">';
    				if ($show_title == "yes") {
    					if ($post_format == "link") {
    					$post_item .= '<h4 itemprop="name headline">'.sf_link_post($postID).'</h4>'; 	
    					} else {
    					$post_item .= '<h4 itemprop="name headline"><a href="'.$post_permalink.'">'.$post_title.'</a></h4>'; 				
    				// POST EXCERPT
    				if ($post_excerpt != "0" && $show_excerpt == "yes") {
    					$post_item .= '<div class="excerpt" itemprop="description">'. $post_excerpt .'</div>';
    				if ($show_read_more == "yes") {
    				$post_item .= '<a class="read-more" href="'.$post_permalink.'">'.__("Read more", "swiftframework").'<i class="fa-angle-right"></i></a>';
    				$post_item .= '</div>';
    				// POST DETAILS 
    				if ($show_details == "yes") {
    				$post_item .= '<div class="post-item-details clearfix">';
    				$post_item .= '<span class="post-date" itemprop="datePublished">'.$post_date.'</span>';
    				$post_item .= '<div class="comments-likes">';
    				if ( comments_open() ) {
    				$post_item .= '<a href="'.$post_permalink.'#comment-area"><i class="fa-comments"></i><span>'. $post_comments .'</span></a> ';
    				if (function_exists( 'lip_love_it_link' )) {
    				$post_item .= lip_love_it_link(get_the_ID(), '<i class="fa-heart"></i>', '<i class="fa-heart"></i>', false);
    				$post_item .= '</div>';				
    				$post_item .= '</div>';
    			// MINI STYLING
    			} else if ($blog_type == "mini") {
    				$post_item .= $item_figure;
    				$post_item .= '<div class="blog-details-wrap">';
    				if ($show_title == "yes") {
    				if ($post_format == "link") {
    				$post_item .= '<h3 itemprop="name headline">'.sf_link_post($postID).'</h3>'; 	
    				} else {
    				$post_item .= '<h3 itemprop="name headline"><a href="'.$post_permalink.'">'. $post_title .'</a></h3>';
    				if ($show_details == "yes") {
    				$post_item .= '<div class="blog-item-details">'. sprintf(__('By <a href="%2$s">%1$s</a> on %3$s', 'swiftframework'), $post_author, get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta( 'ID' )), $post_date) .'</div>';
    				$post_item .= '<div class="comments-likes">';
    				if ( comments_open() ) {
    					$post_item .= '<a href="'.$post_permalink.'#comment-area"><i class="fa-comments"></i><span>'. $post_comments .'</span></a> ';
    				if (function_exists( 'lip_love_it_link' )) {
    					$post_item .= lip_love_it_link(get_the_ID(), '<i class="fa-heart"></i>', '<i class="fa-heart"></i>', false);
    				$post_item .= '</div>';
    				if ($show_excerpt == "yes") {
    				if ($post_format == "quote") {
    					$post_item .= '<div class="quote-excerpt heading-font" itemprop="description">'. $post_excerpt .'</div>';
    				} else {
    					$post_item .= '<div class="excerpt" itemprop="description">'. $post_excerpt .'</div>';
    				if ($show_read_more == "yes") {
    				$post_item .= '<a class="read-more" href="'.$post_permalink.'">'.__("Read more", "swiftframework").'<i class="fa-angle-right"></i></a>';
    				$post_item .= '</div>';
    			} else {
    				$post_item .= '<div class="row">'; // open row
    				if ($sidebars == "no-sidebars") {
    				$post_item .= '<div class="standard-post-author span1">';
    				if(function_exists('get_avatar')) {
    				$post_item .= '<div class="author-avatar"><a href="'.get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ).'">'. get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('ID'), '164') .'</a></div>';
    				$post_item .= '<span class="standard-post-author-name" itemprop="author">'.__("Posted by", "swiftframework").' '.$post_author.'</span>';
    				$post_item .= '</div>';
    				} else if ($sidebars == "right-sidebar" || $sidebars == "left-sidebar" || $sidebars == "one-sidebar") {
    				$post_item .= '<div class="standard-post-author span1">';
    				if(function_exists('get_avatar')) {
    				$post_item .= '<div class="author-avatar"><a href="'.get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ).'">'. get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('ID'), '164') .'</a></div>';
    				$post_item .= '<span class="standard-post-author-name" itemprop="author">'.__("Posted by", "swiftframework").' '.$post_author.'</span>';
    				$post_item .= '</div>';
    				$post_item .= '<div class="standard-post-content '.$standard_post_width.'">'; // open standard-post-content
    				if ($post_format == "quote") {
    					$post_item .= '<div class="quote-display"><i class="fa-quote-left"></i></div>';
    				} else {
    					$post_item .= $item_figure;
    					if ($show_title) {
    					if ($post_format == "link") {
    					$post_item .= '<h2 itemprop="name headline">'.sf_link_post($postID).'</h2>'; 	
    					} else {
    					$post_item .= '<h2 itemprop="name headline"><a href="'.$post_permalink.'">'. $post_title .'</a></h2>';
    				if ($show_excerpt == "yes") {					
    				if ($post_format == "quote") {
    					$post_item .= '<div class="quote-excerpt heading-font" itemprop="description">'. $post_excerpt .'</div>';
    				} else {
    					$post_item .= '<div class="excerpt" itemprop="description">'. $post_excerpt .'</div>';
    				if ($show_read_more == "yes") {
    				$post_item .= '<a class="read-more" href="'.$post_permalink.'">'.__("Read more", "swiftframework").'<i class="fa-angle-right"></i></a>';
    				$post_item .= '</div>'; // close standard-post-content
    				if ($show_details == "yes") {
    					$post_item .= '<div class="standard-post-details span1">'; // open standard-post-details
    					if ($sidebars == "both-sidebars") {
    					$post_item .= '<div class="standard-post-author">';
    					if(function_exists('get_avatar')) {
    					$post_item .= '<div class="author-avatar"><a href="'.get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ).'">'. get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('ID'), '164') .'</a></div>';
    					$post_item .= '<span class="standard-post-author-name" itemprop="author">'.__("Posted by", "swiftframework").' '.$post_author.'</span>';
    					$post_item .= '</div>';
    					$post_item .= '<span class="standard-post-date" itemprop="datePublished">'.$post_date.'</span>';
    					$post_item .= '<div class="comments-likes">';
    					if ( comments_open() ) {
    						$post_item .= '<div class="comments-wrapper"><a href="'.$post_permalink.'#comment-area"><i class="fa-comments"></i><span>'. $post_comments .'</span></a></div>';
    					if (function_exists( 'lip_love_it_link' )) {
    						$post_item .= lip_love_it_link(get_the_ID(), '<i class="fa-heart"></i>', '<i class="fa-heart"></i>', false);
    					$post_item .= '</div>';
    					$post_item .= '</div>'; // close standard-post-details
    				$post_item .= '</div>'; // close row
    			return $post_item;


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