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  • #18954
    Post count: 3


    (1) I use Paypal to accept payment on my online store. However, on the customer’s account page after a successful payment via Paypal, the order status is shown to be pending, and includes an option to “Pay”. I’d then have to go into the dashboard to manually change the order status from “Pending” to “Processing”. How do I make the order go automatically to “Processing” after payment completion?

    (2) I’ve set up an email to be sent to me a notification of every new order, but for some reason the email doesn’t get sent out?

    Please advise, thanks!

    Post count: 99

    Hi Zeester,

    I use PayPal as one of my payment methods and have not had any problems yet. Is this a live site or are you suing the sandbox? If everything is set up correctly in the backend, this could be either a plug-in conflict or a PayPal issue. I know PayPal is doing major maintenance on their system this month.

    Have you checked out the WooCommerce documentation to see how it handles order status?

    What type of product is it? Virtual, downloadable, simple, variable, subscription? If it is a subscription, the default order status after payment is ‘processing’.

    “Once an order has been paid, WooCommerce only sets the status of the order to completed if all the products purchased in the order are both digital and downloadable. If all the products in an order are not digital and downloadable, the order will be marked as processing. This is to help you manage shipping of physical items.”

    One thing you might try doing is deactivating/reactivating WooCommerce. It’s a shot in the dark, but you never know.


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hey, I’m not sure about that and will therefor forward this to another support staff.

    Post count: 3

    Hi n8-b and Melanie,

    Thanks for responding to my question!

    n8-b: I was using the sandbox on my test site. But I’ve just tested in on my live site, and everything is working now! The order gets changed automatically from “pending” to “Processing” within a minute after Paypal validates that the IPN payment is completed. And I’m also getting the email notification for a new order.

    But thanks again for taking the time to help me troubleshoot the problem 🙂

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Glad to hear that it’s working now!
    Sorry that Cosmin did not get back to you, he must have missed that I assigned this thread to him.


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