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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #18481
    Post count: 8

    I’d like to have my gallery include every portfolio item, yet only show a certain number of pictures at the same time.

    The reasons why I don’t want so use pagination:
    1. When I am using pagination the portfolio is actually separated by the pages and the sort by category is not including the portfolio items on the other pages.
    2. Also when I click on the next page of the portfolio, the whole page reloads thus taking unnecessary time.

    Thanks in advance!

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    When you build a portfolio page, you choose Portfolio in the Swift Builder right, when doing that you can leave this section “Number of items” blank, that will not limit the number of portfolio items to display on a page, it display all the items in the portfolio.

    Hope this helps, if not please let me know.


    Post count: 8

    Thanks for quick reply, but that’s not quite what I’m looking for. When I leave the number of items blank, it shows every portfolio item on ONE page. As I have many items in my portfolio, the gallery gets quite big.

    The best solution would be pagination but without the reloading, plus the sort by category function should also include the items on the following pages…

    Probably not doable, but worth considering for future updates.

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Currently you can do like this:

    if you don’t want a page reload which clicking the next page, its not possible at the moment.

    I will forward your suggestions to the Developer,


    Post count: 8

    I’ll probably transfer the gallery to a new page and link to it from the home page.

    But thanks for your suggestions and glad to hear that it’ll be forwarded.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Will have a think, thanks for the feedback.

    – Ed

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