New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform Fatal Error Since Updating

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #18476
    Post count: 23

    Any idea what this error means? The theme is conflicting and causing my site to be stuck in the Maintenance error. My site is unaccessible.

    PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_header() in /home1/yciwnet/public_html/wp-content/themes/flexform/index.php on line 1

    Thank you,

    Post count: 171

    Difficult to say but, if I were you, I’d delete and reupload the theme files and see if that fixes it.

    Post count: 23

    Thanks. I just tried it but it didn’t help.

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    Actually, that error sounds like something went wrong with WordPress itself – I believe that is what you updated?

    The get_header() function is a standard WP function, so if it says it doesn’t exist, then there’s something wrong with your WP installation.



    Support Assistant

    Post count: 23

    Hi Cosmin-
    This is the error related to Flexform:

    [28-Aug-2013 12:33:59] PHP Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home1/yciwnet/public_html/wp-content/themes/flexform/functions.php on line 172

    Bluehost is saying that this is the questionable code:

    if ( in_array( ‘woocommerce/woocommerce.php’, apply_filters( ‘active_plugins’, get_option( ‘active_plugins’ ) ) ) ) {

    Post count: 23

    Also, my site works fine with other themes.

    Please help me if you can, I’m extremely frustrated. Going on my 3rd day with no site.


    Post count: 23

    Please help. I have done the following:

    My site works with every other theme except Flexform.

    1. Reinstalled WordPress
    2. Re-downloaded and installed Flexform several times.
    3. I’ve removed every plugin.

    Still, my site goes to the “….site under maintenance error”

    Is there someway just to shut that page off??

    Post count: 171

    Do you have a backup of your database from before the problem occurred? If so, I would try creating a new database, import the backup to it and then change your wp-config.php file to reference the new database. It could be database corruption causing the problem.

    Alternately you may be able to look at your error logs via your hosts web control panel to see if anything there tips you off as to what’s going wrong.

    Post count: 23

    We just tried this and it didn’t work.

    Post count: 171

    What happened between when it was working and when it started having problems? Did you update the theme?

    You say the site works fine with other themes, so that *does* seem to indicate a problem with Flexform, but the fact that it just stopped working is very odd.

    When you uploaded the theme files again, did you do it from a fresh download or from the same download you had used previously? If you used the same download – try downloading the theme files again and upload those.

    Post count: 171

    Nevermind the question about whether you updated the theme – I’ve had a long day!

    Try uploading an older version of Flexform for now – hopefully that works until someone can look into this further…

    Post count: 23

    One more important note. The site loads if I’m logged in as the admin. If I’m not logged in the site shows the error..

    Post count: 23

    Thanks for your help Gorkism.

    I have version 1.02. Do you know of a way I could get a more recent one.
    THank you!

    Post count: 171

    Can you try commenting out that line of code in your functions.php file and tell me if your site loads while you’re not logged in?

    I’m thinking there’s something going on with script registration/deregistration but it’s difficult to say for sure, as I don’t have access to your site, logs or anything else that may help diagnose the problem.

    I have Flexform 1.4.2 available, but I want to see if the above test works first…

    Post count: 171

    Actually, now that I’ve thought about it a bit more, try this first:

    1. Login via SFTP (or FTP if you must) and delete the .maintenance file from the root of your site folder.
    2. Try resetting your plugins via SFTP – here’s a link on how to do so:
    3. In your wp-content folder, delete the contents of the folder named ‘upgrade’.

    Then try viewing your site while logged out. If it works, rename the plugin folder back to ‘plugins’ (via SFTP) and check the site once more.

    Let us know how it goes.

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