New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Pagespeed Insights – Super Slow

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #183376
    Post count: 2

    Hi I’m currently running WooCommerce and Cardinal together. I’ve been fairly happy with everything so far…..until now that I’m trying to get the site to speed up. Cardinal is loading so many different plugins before I add anything else in (3 separate sliders!!!) and other items that when I plug it in to pagespeed tool it is getting terrible grades (a lot of work brought it to around 50/100).

    Please update the theme and place JS into the footer, load less CSS and load it better, actually minify the files that your software claims it minifies, etc.

    Otherwise I would like to explore a different theme; frankly if this theme is slow and clunky then it is worth $0, or even money back for all the time I spent implementing something that simply isn’t ready for primetime. I am upset right now that I paid money for this and it is slowing everything down so badly.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please try to use WP Super Cache plugin to increase the speed performance of website.

    Post count: 2

    Those results are AFTER I installed the WP Super Cache plugin…..

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    You don’t need to install all 3 sliders, they’re just included so you can choose the one you’re most familiar with, you should definitely not have all 3 installed. You can also remove any plugins that come with the theme that you don’t use, for e..g if you don’t use breadcrumbs, then you don’t need to use the breadcrumb plugin.

    Also, go to Theme Options > Performance Options to enable to minified scripts

    – Kyle

    Post count: 204

    Hi guys,

    I also have allot of trouble with the speed of this website Pagespeed Insight is 30/100 on desktop and 24/100 on mobile…

    I don’t have many plugins running on this site, I have W3 Super Cache installed and this is the result.

    Could you please tell me how I can fix this?

    Cheers – Wouter

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    This is what I’m seeing in Pingdom tolls (73% performance grade)!/PoJtO/

    That page size is a bit high, 4mb from the video and 2 images with 700kb(try to compress it a bit more if possible)
    Other than this only the hosting can make it better.


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