New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform full site background – transparency issues

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #1833
    Post count: 20


    first of all I love flexform. thank you for your effort to make such a great theme!

    i’m trying to use one background picture for the whole site which i have achieved by using

    #main-container {background: …}

    it works fine but some elements still have colored backgrounds (i.e. the area with the logo, some icons etc.). is there a way to set those areas to transparent and let the background come through?


    kind regards,


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Tom,

    I’m not seeing this when testing it locally. Can you provide a link so we can see what you’ve done?

    – Ed

    Post count: 20

    Hi Ed!

    I tested it again and found out that I have to clear all the pre-defined colors in the costumizer. I thought I would overwrite these with the custom css. So, now the background works as I prefer. Thanks!


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    You’re welcome 🙂

    – Ed

    Post count: 77

    Tom (or Ed ;),


    Any more details for us not as technically gifted? I was hoping to do the same thing on my site…. a subtle background that covers EVERYTHING. but for a full-width site, not boxed.



    Post count: 20


    It works with full-width too. Just go to Flexform Options/Background Options and turn Use Background Image to ON, upload your picture and save.


    Then use the Color Customizer and clear the HEX number of the following colors:

    Background color (borderd only)
    Inner page background color
    Alt Background Color
    Top Bar Background Color
    Header Background Color Gradient Top
    Header Background Color Gradient Bottom
    Page Heading Background Color
    Icon Container Background Color
    Footer Background Color Gradient From
    Footer Background Color Gradient To
    Copyright Background Color

    Hope that helped!

    Kind regards,



    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Alternatively, you can add a background image with some custom css on the following:

    #main-container {}

    – Ed

    Post count: 77

    Hey Ed,

    I tried your suggestion in the general css options:
    #main-container {http://link-to-background-image.jpg}

    I’m not seeing the background image I uploaded…. is that the proper way to format it?

    I’ll give Tom’s approach a try, as well. Just wanted to quickly try Ed’s first, as it appeared to be a bit quicker.

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