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One page navigation don’t display
I check Page meta > Enable
In “Edit raw” the sections have a name in “Raw section name”
Best regards
Can you check in theme demo and let me know what feature you need exactly?
Regards, Nishant SwiftIdeas Customer Support Team
ok, I add “ID” by section and it work
But the nav style isn’t good. I want the bullets on the site and not arrow version
Please see the attached screenshot.
You have to choose Standard in General Options –> One page nav type
Yes, I had already selected this option but It don’t work
Please deactivate plugins which you installed apart from which came with the theme and try again.
Sorry, it work, thanks !!!!!
Please, how change style css of this navigation : bullets and text ?
Glad, it is working for you now.
Styling? Can you please explain with screenshot what you looking for exactly?
only change color of bullet and text on this one page navigation (see screenshot please)
eg : bullets are white, how to change this color and : how change color of background-text (text that appears in hover)
This one is for the white text and blue background.
#one-page-nav li .hover-caption { background: #4380af!important; color: #ffffff!important; }
This is for the bullet background
#one-page-nav li i{ color: #000!important; }
Thanks Rui but in the background, the little arrow (on the right) does not change color.
And the second css for bullet doesn’t work
And, is it possible to is it possible to increase the size of bullets?
Hi, Please use this custom css code:-
#one-page-nav li.selected a > i { background: #ff0000; border-color: #ff0000 !important; } #one-page-nav li a > i { background: #ff0000; border-color: #ff0000 !important; } #one-page-nav li .hover-caption::after { border-left-color: #4380AF !important; }
Thanks Mohammad
Good, thanks 😉 and to finalize design : how to change size of bullets please?
You want to increase or decrease the bullet’s size?
increase a little if it possible
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