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  • #16871
    Post count: 27


    Is there any option to have in the store, at the same time, products with price and purchase button and products without price and purchase option, with only a link to consult with the seller?

    My client asks me it because she presupposed products by quantity and isn’t interested in put a fixed price, she prefer that them consult her.

    I have seen that I can put all the store in store format or catalog format, but do not know if I can combine them, choosing which products have one format and what products have the other.

    It occurred to me the option to create a portfolio with those products that take you to pages with the same layout of the product page … but I can’t find this product page template anywhere. How could I do?

    Thank you very much!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    I’ll ask another support staff if he know if that’s possible with wooCommerce.

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