New Landing How can we help? Cardinal PLEASE READ – V2.07 UPDATE

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #167446
    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hey guys,

    We’ve just released the v2.07 update for Cardinal. We originally intended for the main part of this update to be in a larger feature update, however with recent security issues brought to light with certain plugins, we have been forced to push this update sooner.

    This update brings to push forward into making it easier for us to push fixes to common components across our latest framework themes (Atelier/Cardinal/Joyn). We have moved the Custom Post Types, Swift Slider, and Swift Page Builder into a plugin titled “Swift Framework”. You will need to install and activate this plugin to be able to use any of the above. The plugin can be installed through Appearance > Install Plugins.

    If you have issues with getting 404 pages after the update, please try heading to Settings > Permalinks, and then pressing “Save”. This will flush the URLs and should resolve your problem.

    We’ve done our best to make sure that this transition happens as smoothly as possible for you, but if you have any issues post-update, please let us know.

    Thanks as always for being one of our customers.

    – Ed

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