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  • #15493
    Post count: 5

    Hi Ed, support-team and all!

    Trying to build my shop, but I have to admit, it’s not as easy as I thought. Your demo shop is my motivation to keep tryin ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m sorry if one of my following questions has already been asked here or anywhere else, but as I couldn’t find the matching answers through the search bar, here I go:

    1. Can you possibly provide some css code to have the header without the “welcome..” and the personal shopper, as I already have them in the top bar menu. I use the header layout 1 (logo in the middle).
    I saw you somewhere mention that this is possible. Hope it’s not to complicated for you.

    2. I purchased WPML and created a language “switcher”. Is it possible to place that switcher on the top bar next to the personal shopper or next to the social icons?

    3. How can I add a social media icon (with link) which isn’t included as standard. I’m talking about weheartit. Would be perfect if the icon could be added to the top bar like the other social media icons.

    I really appreciate the time you put into support services, as I think it shouldn’t be taken as a matter of course.

    Thank you and wish you a nice weekend!

    P.S: If somebody should already have made one of these “modifications” โ€” you’re advice is welcome.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    you can deactivate the personal shopper in the theme options.

    This sure is possible, but I’m afraid it’s not built into the theme and would have to be modified especially for you. We’d love to help you with this customization but we are only able to provide support for basic theme issues and bug fixes. We do provide support for small customizations but unfortunately this request is beyond that. Please see our general policy and guidelines for more info. You could also hire a developer to help you with your customizations.

    Add a social media icon you don’t need with the link to your weheartit profile, then replace the icon you don’t need in this file wp-content/themes/neighborhood/images/social-icons-mono-light-small.png


    Post count: 5

    1 Actually I don’t want to deactivate the personal shopper. As I wrote I have the personal shopper in the top bar menu.
    But in my header it is again + the “Welcome User” sign.
    What I want is too have my header blank and to keep the personal shopper in the top bar menu. I think this should be possible..

    2 Ok I see.

    3 I get the idea, but what do you mean with “..with the link to your weheartit profile”? What link or where can I find the link of a specific social meadia icon? Let’s take Behance which I don’t need, as example..
    So I can just modify the .png-file I want by replacing one icon in there and then upload it via ftp? Do I have to do the same for the @2x.png too?

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    1 if you show me your website I can give you custom css to remove one of the two personal shoppers

    3 I don’t know what weheartit is, so I suppose you have to have a profile link or something, or what would you like to happen after clicking the social media icon?
    Yes you can modify it and upload it afterwards. Also for the @2x, yes, in order to support the retina displays.


    Post count: 5
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    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    .header-menu {
    display: none;

    I see, you will need to open shortcodes.php and modify the line that says

    $social_icons .= '
  • Behance
  • '."\n";

    replace the image

    You can set your homepage in wp-admin > Settings > Reading


    #main-nav {
    border-bottom: 1px solid black;


    Post count: 5


    Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
    1) 2) 3) and 5) worked all for me.

    Regarding 4)
    Unfortunately I couldn’t achieve the same effect you have in your demo-gallery..
    I googled a lot and tried every attempt I could imagine, but there was no way I could get the same zoom-on-hover-effect (which adds a slight “inner” zoom) you have. –>

    Would be nice if you let me know how you did that. In the meantime I was thinking it must be some custom code (jquery?) or anything else which isn’t included in the theme.

    As I won’t link these gallery images to portfolios as you did I suppose I can just setup a page with single images and linking, right? Only thing missing is that zoom-effect ๐Ÿ˜€
    However, adding correct linking to these images was no problem, as it is easy to find in the pages menu.

    Looking forward to get your answer ๐Ÿ™‚

    P.S: Have you ever thought about setting up a “Neighborhood” section in your Knowledgebase with guide-throughs for popular inquiries? I think this could save you a lot of time, as it seems that some questions get asked several times.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    All you need to do is use the portfolio page builder asset. The hover style is included as standard, you don’t need to add anything for it.

    – Ed

    Post count: 5

    Ah, I see.. Thanks!

    My portfolios were still drafts and not published. That was reason why no thumbnails were shown.

    Can you tell me what the image width is (portfolio gallery, 2 columns)? 540px?
    I would like to change the width and height if possible. Although I read somewhere that the widths are fixed(?).
    The gallery view doesn’t seem to be affected by any changes in w. and h. made in the Woocommerce Catalogue options.

    Thanks in advance!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    570 x 428

    If you want to change the size please consider hiring a dedicated developer to help you with that!


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