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  • #15172
    Post count: 10

    Hello. Great job on the theme. It looks awesome. I wasn’t sure weather to post this here or the support forum. It seemed like people are getting faster response in here. Hope that’s ok.

    Please refer to the site I am working on

    1. When adding new product, content created using the page builder won’t show on the product page. I made sure “Page Builder on Product Pages” has been turned ON in the theme options but it’s still not working.
    please see There should be some content below the images and accordion but they won’t appear.
    2. when uploading an image to a post using [single image] element on the page builder, add/remove window gets stuck after image is uploaded.

    3. Is it possible to set new defaults to options like detail media option? I want Post Detail Type option to be ‘none’ as the default.

    4. I want to use swift slider but current swift slider setting is cropping the original image in a weird way. I would like it to show the complete original image resized to fit the height of the slider and remain space to show part of the next and previous image

    Where can I change the settings on the swift slider?

    5. How would I be able to change margin border padding between content that show up on the carousal? also masonry blog view?

    7. Also Remove top spacing option in the Misc. Options is not working when [Impact Text + Button] element is used at the top of page and alt background is used with this element.
    Please see just below the swift slider.
    8. In standard blog view, I want author, author icon, date, comment and heart icon all to be below the title of the post. Currently it is showing left and right of the image. I want it with the title of the post.

    *please see

    9. In standard blog view, left side of the content is not aligning. Also I wish space between the side bar and the content was smaller.

    10. Wish list aux doesn’t respond and update immediately when removing item out of the wishlist from the aux menu. Not a big deal. It would be nice if it reacted like the cart.

    11. where can I download the background images used in your demo?

    12. How do I add or remove ‘share’ options on the post? I would like to add pinterest to share option to the current list.

    I know this is a quiet a list but… I am sure you can help me out. Thank you so much

    Post count: 10
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    Post count: 10

    to add to the growing list…
    13. on the blog carousel, show excerpt is not working.

    14. On woocommerce, Item title is smaller than the item category.
    please see
    for exampe for item bed1… bed1 text is smaller than the category text below that says Bed, furniture.
    Same thing on the product carousel.

    Please help me through these.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) Checked that page in your admin, no content there?
    2) Can you try disabling plugins, tested this here and working fine. Maybe try another browser?
    3) You’d need to edit /includes/swift-framework/meta-boxes.php , the ‘std’ values.
    4) That’s not possible as standard.
    5) You’d need to add custom css for this.
    7) On the impact text block, add mt0 to the extra class box
    8) You’d need to change this yourself, not possible as standard.
    9) Fixed this for the next update, thanks for pointing out.
    10) Hopefully will be added in an update.
    11) You could save them from our demo, but we don’t have them offered as standard.
    12) Pinterest was added in v1.3, you can not show them in the blog post meta options.
    13) Have you enabled it in the settings? Working fine here.
    14) They are the same size. We’ll look at this for an update.

    – Ed

    Post count: 10

    Thank you so much for the response.

    1. I captured the video of what I am experiencing right now
    as you can see, content created using the page builder is not showing up

    This is a different case…
    Here… you can see content created using the page builder actually show up on the product page but when I update it, they don’t show up in the page.

    At 25seconds in, you can see that when I upload new image, add/remove image getting stuck. I tried using chrome, safari, firefox all same result. I also tried disabling plugins.

    Please help me through this.
    Thank you

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Fixed both issues, attached new version for you.


    – Ed

    Post count: 10

    thank you so much.
    Everything seems to be working perfectly.

    Will you be including the changes you made for me in the future update? Is it safe assume that these issues will not reappear with future updates?


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Yes, they will be fixed in the next update.


    – Ed

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