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  • #150003
    Post count: 22

    Please help…

    How can modify the sentence in the shopping card widget on the header? this sentence: ‘Unfortunately, your shopping bag is empty.’

    How can I change the active hyperlink on hover for all buttons and hyperlinks? Now, it is green color, when you hover your mouse over links and buttons. I was able to insert code for header and footer to change the hover’s color, but not the body’s content and buttons.

    When adding too many quantity on a single product, the error message will appear, how can I modify that message? Thanks.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    You can translate that sentence using this plugin.

    Real-Time Find and Replace

    Regarding the color link did you checked the color customizer

    Can you take a screenshot of that error message? And probably we will need your site url to check it.


    Post count: 22

    For first attached image, I would like to remove the word “Unfortunately” on the shopping cart widget. Please let me know where I can find it. Thanks.

    For second attached file, when I hover the button, it change to green color, How can I change it to grey, I could not find the css for it.

    For third attache file, When adding too many quantity on a single product, the error message will appear, how can I modify that message?

    thanks for your help.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) Open up neighborhood/includes/swift-framework/sf-content-display/sf-header.php and edit line 644:

    $cart_output .= '<div class="bag-empty">'.__('Unfortunately, your shopping bag is empty.','swiftframework').'</div>';

    2) It will use your accent color as the hover color

    3) This is WooCommerce functionality, not controlled by the theme

    – Kyle

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