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  • #146825
    Post count: 45

    Hey guys,

    great theme but i still got some problems. I ve attached two images with red numbers inside, i hope that will make it more easy to understand what i mean.

    – 1. in secure connection via ssl the logo and the paypal logo are not displayed. wordpress https plugin is installed and i have re- uploaded the logo, but that did not help. any idea?

    – 2. the order confirmation is not in order. Option “geölt Rohstahl” should de one line above, 80cm x 240cm should be one line beneath its cuurent postion. (i hope its clear what i mean).

    – 3. I would like to remove the arrows in the products pages

    – 4. in Safari the VAT (inkl. Mwst)9is not diplayed, works in chrome

    – 5. i would like to remove the quantity field (+/- is already removed)

    Another thing is that i would like to use Lato font, but it doesn’t appear in the theme options, all the other google fonts do.

    Thanks in advance,

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    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    1. I see currently your logo shows over https.
    2. Which product get that type of cart? I tried to add one and it went without any issue.
    3. Add this in the Custom CSS.

    .summary-top .product-navigation { display: none; }

    4. Where? In the screenshot there isn’t a VAT there, can you point me in the right URL?
    5. You can use this custom css,

    .quantity.buttons_added { display: none; }

    if it didn’t remove, just add an !important.

    Let us know,


    Post count: 45

    Hey Laranz,

    thanks for your response!

    2. All the tables get that kind of cart. To add them to the cart you have to set the measurements (in german: Länge/ Breite which means width an lenghts) first after that the price appears and you can go to the cart. I attached another screenshot.

    4. You re right there isnt any VAT, thats just what the problem is.there should be one, in chrome it is disolayed

    5. The +/-buttons are removed already, i need css to remove the number field as well.

    Thanks for your help!!


    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    2. I tried, and it works without any issues, you fixed it? after adding measurements I view it, I think you are adding some extra parameters to the cart, you doing that with any plugin? I think it misstyled in the pages, so take it’s class and style it along. If that is from a plugin, ask the author.

    4. Can you tell me in which page? here?
    5. You mean, you want to remove this? Add this in the Custom CSS.

    .woocommerce div.product form.cart div.quantity { display: none; }

    Let us know,


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