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  • #146463
    Post count: 9

    If I am using template builder – How do I apply Google Analytics and Yoast SEO on these pages?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    For Google Analytics, you just need to add to the Theme Options, this way it will automatically be added to every page.

    For Yoast SEO, you can install the plugin, then on your pages add the meta information you want to use. The only difference is, it will tell you your page score is bad, that’s only because it scans the editor for heading tags etc, however on the front end they will be outputted, so just ignore that

    – Kyle

    Post count: 66

    How can we make it so that Yoast SEO actually rates the SEO for each page properly? This is such a popular plugin and none of us have it working as it should with this theme…

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    The problem is related with all the themes that use Page Builder, since the code is wrapped in shortcodes.

    They (Yoast Seo) should render the content of the shortcode before analysing the code.
    Nowadays the majority of the themes has Page Builder’s.

    Guess there are other tools that analyze the front end of the site.
    Unfortunately there is nothing we can do here.


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