New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform Pagination broken and links to pages redirect to home

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #143958
    Post count: 24

    My site was recently hacked due to a hole in the older version of the plugin Revslider. Although the hack is fixed, I think there are some issues that are still occuring. (I had an expert help me but this was overlooked).

    The pagination is broken, each link redirects to home page.
    Also each blog page (ex:,, …ect, all redirect to the home page ( Even when I manually input the URL.
    The other pages,(shop, about, ect.) all work fine.

    I understand a lot about designing (html and css), but I know nothing about inspecting php files. Can someone please help me figure this out in a way that I can understand, I would greatly appreciate it.

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    1. Can you try go to Settings -> Permalinks and save once, and then check the site the issue is resolved?
    2. If fails, try to change the Settings -> Permalinks to default, and then check the site the issue is resolved?

    Let us know,


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