New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform Mobile Render of Team Page

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #14202
    Post count: 23

    Having trouble with the structure of the single-team page. It is currently set up to render the page based on proportions (content on the left @50% widdth and image on the right at 48% width). This works fine for PC display (%s can be tweaked in stylesheet) but the structure doesn’t render well on a smartphone screen (i.e. keeps horizontal width proportions rather than stacking per Bootcamp framework). Any advice?

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    If you’ve added custom CSS for displaying those sections, you’ll need to add CSS media queries as well, to target mobile devices – otherwise the framework will conflict.



    Support Assistant

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