I’m absolutely loving the Supreme theme, definitely by far the best WordPress theme I’ve seen. However, I’m facing several issues I cannot solve on my own. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! ๐
This is my website: http://unchartedhiphop.com/
1: I’d like to remove the ”read more” button under every article and instead have sharing buttons there (like twitter, facebook, google +, etc). How do I do this?
2: The infinite scroll plug-in does not work with the Supreme theme. I’m pretty sure it has to do with Infinite Scroll’s standard pre-filled options not being correct. What do I have to enter here?: http://s.wordpress.org/extend/plugins/infinite-scroll/screenshot-1.png?r=748543
3: The standard post image slider that can be activated and shows at the top of the page is really huge. This means less visibility and longer load times due to huge images needing to be loaded. Is there any way I can move the slider down to under ”// latest news” and have it be as small as, say, the youtube clip you see on the unchartedhiphop homepage?
If you could help me implement these three things I’d REALLY appreciate it.
Thanks in advance