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  • #13540
    Post count: 4

    Hey there, I can’t make some things work in the theme, can anyone help me out?

    Products –

    1) If I want to place a product which has two alternatives, possibly color or difference between Whole Wheat or Regular, how can I integrate that option within one product? Instead of creating a new one?

    2) The featured image of products, and the first of the gallery, when seen in the homepage (smaller pic) it appears very blurry, how can I fix that? I still want to have a big image when you enter the product.

    3) When I go into a product, and I can see the gallery, there is the option of expanding the image to see bigger. BUT, it doesn’t work as lightbox, it opens the image at the bottom of the page very unclear and ugly. Size of images are 700 x 500px

    Slider –

    1) I can not make the Revolution Slider full width! Right now the options are the following, Auto Responsive with Grid Width 1600 and Grid Height 467. I also believe that the images are big enough to be full width. What are the measurements and options of both the Slider Settings and the Images that should be in the sliders in order to make it full width? If you can’t do it on Rev. Slider, how can I do it with an other slider alternative in the theme?

    Many Thanks

    Adam Waterhouse –

    Post count: 4

    I REQUIRE AN ANSWER IMMEDIATELY! It has already passed 48 hours and I need help with what was mentioned above

    Follow-up Question

    1) Translating the content of the website, how does it work?

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi Adam,

    thank you for the incredible patience you’ve had ๐Ÿ™‚ We had a little problem with the productivity of the staff working in the forum but now we’re all set up and ready to help ๐Ÿ™‚ We will still need to ask you to stay calm tho and remember that support is not a requirement due to themeforest policy.

    1) you can add variables within the product setup

    2) looks like your image’s size is 150 x 150, afterwards it gets stretched to 200+ so it will be blurry. Upload a larger image.

    3) I see lightbox working perfectly fine on

    4) I will need your wp-admin login details to check that out

    5) You can find a translation plugin like codestyling locatlization and check their documentation out.


    Post count: 4

    Dear Melanie,

    Thanks for your support. I have some comments to your reply,

    1) I can’t find the ‘Variable’ setup anywhere in the ‘Add New Product’ or WooCommerce, can you enlighten me?

    2) The images are 700 x 500, and it still blurry (see for more). The idea is for them to look good on the front page and also look big and good in the product description. What size would be recommendable so it doesn’t look blurry and look big in the product descr.?

    3) I have a translation plugin (Transposh) and it works fine, the only problem with it is that it adds (/?lang=sv (sv as in swedish)) to the end of the permalink, and this hickups with the product permalinks. Do you know how can I add an additional permalink to the product? So I do not recreate the same product, but the link directs you to the product?

    Original –
    Translation –

    So how can I make the translation hyperlink send you to the original product? Right now a 404 Error appears.

    Thank you very much for your time!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    you can find the option to choose variable products in the dropdown menu next to Product Data โ€“ย 

    our image of the mismo bag for example are 1200 x 1800 and get downsized automatically upon uploading

    I’m afraid I don’t know that plugin or the answer to that question, I will ask the developer about that.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    3) This looks like it would be an issue with the plugin, rather than the theme. Can you ask the plugin developer?

    – Ed

    Post count: 22

    I’m save picture in demo for test on my website .. it still blurry.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Looks like you haven’t set the image sizes in WooCommerce > Settings.

    See here – #4

    – Ed

    Glen Cuoco
    Post count: 37

    Because I had to download a smaller XMS file (thanks to Ed!) for the Demo Content, I didn’t get any kind of Slider files at all, not even a Revolution Slider file. No images appear on the home page because of it.

    Anyway, I just built a new Slider Group and then created 5 new slides be used in the group. For each slide, I included a Feature Image, then updated the slider name in the coding that’s on the page I want to see. The little circles show up and flash accordingly, but no images are shown.

    Is there a way to get the various Slider Demo Content, so I can figure out how it should work without having to bother anyone on the Support Forum? I’m trying to sort out all my questions by using the Demo Content examples, but some of that data is not there and this one has me stumped, unfortunately.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Post count: 4

    Thanks for the replies, I have asked the plugin developer and await an answer from him.

    Another Quesiton –

    1) How can I take the annoying Welcome on the top left of the page?

    example see here –

    Thanks For Your Support!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Glen could you please open your own thread for your issue so we’ll be able to help better? Thanks!


    .header-menu {
    display: none;


    Post count: 4

    Thank you very much Melanie for all your support.

    I have received a reply in regards to the product translation with transposh.

    He replied the following,


    It’s probably not the lang, but woocommerce and its mangling of URLs using the locale.

    The solution I may suggest is renaming the .po/.mo files of woo”

    I have no idea what he refers to? Can you give me a hand?

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    I don’t think it’s possible to do that.. You might want to ask WooThemes if they have a solution.

    – Ed

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