New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante My website is no longer responsive

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #133847
    Post count: 13


    Thank you so much for your help. First let me apologize, I am not a developer, just a nutritionist who used your wonderful theme to develop her own website. So, I might be a little difficult to work with – not understanding the lingo and all.

    Anyway, my website has been working great, but I just happened to check my site from my phone for the first time in a while (at least a couple of months) and it is all messed up on my phone. So I asked my mom if she happened to check it from her iPad and she said a couple of weeks ago she had and it was weird looking (I wish she would’ve said something…).

    So I tried taking a couple of screen shots to post here, but when I email them to myself it just sent a link to my site which works perfectly on my computer. (I’m technologically stupid) I looked all over my dashboard for some kind of setting that I may have accidentally changed, but found nothing. I have no idea what happened.

    Thanks so much for your help,


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you give us further details on the issues you are facing in mobile?

    The screenshots will help a lot and a specific issue descritption. If you have Dropbox it’s easy to share the link of the screenshot taken on the phone.


    Post count: 13


    Thanks so much for your help. I’ve had a minor issue with my website on my computer ever since the last Dante update and I’m wondering if the two issues (this and the responsive issue) are related. The issue I have with my site when I look at it on my computer is that everything doesn’t show up correctly on the home page (I have it set to home one:landing as my opening page) right away when I go to my site ( For example my portfolio showcase doesn’t always load immediately – I have to hit the home button in the top menu bar, which is annoying since people who come to my website for the first time will see the home page with out all of the pictures and some of the other things and assume it’s normal. As for my phone – I only noticed it about a week or two ago – it is completely messed up. It looks like the images I have attached. I don’t know what happened.

    I apologize for being so technologically illiterate, but I’m not sure where I would have a dropbox or what it even means. I can give you my admin username and password if that helps ๐Ÿ™

    Thanks again,

    Amy S.

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I’m struggling to replicate the portfolio issue, it loads fine for me every time.

    For the mobile issue, you have a mobile site script running on your server that activates a mobile site plugin. It’s not actually our theme, if you look at the bottom it says ‘view full site’. You’ll need to ask your hosts to turn off the mobile script

    – Kyle

    Post count: 13

    Thank you so much. I reset Safari on my computer and my site seems to be fine now. As for the responsive issue, I sent an email to my host support and wrote exactly what you said. Hopefully it can get resolved soon.

    Thanks again,


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok no problem

    Post count: 13

    So…I’m a bit frustrated to say the least. I sent my host ( an email regarding the mobile issue I have and they took forever to get back to me – or didn’t rather. So I did live chat yesterday and after 1.5 hours they finally told me it was “not fixable.” I told them exactly what you told me and sent them screen shots. They acted like they had no idea what the heck I was talking about.

    Today they sent me an email saying that my site looks fine from their phone. I just checked from my iPhone and it is anything but fine. Do you have any advice for me? This is so frustrating and I really need to get this resolved. Also, do have any recommendations for hosting companies? I’ve been wanting to change for a while now and after this I’m convinced I need to find a new web hosting company.


    Amy S.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    That’s ridiculous, pretty sure it’s something that’s activated on some hosting. Unless you have a plugin installed that’s causing it? Do you have jetpack installed?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 13

    I do have jetpack installed, but I’ve tried deactivating the mobile function and also activating it and both the same. And I’ve had Jetpack installed since my website has been live months ago and it only went crazy on the mobile devices a couple of weeks ago. I also tried deactivating Jetpack altogether to see if it helped and no such luck. ๐Ÿ™

    Post count: 13

    I’m quite sure at this point that it is the host. After deactivating and reactivating Jetpack yet again (just now) this is what I saw (see attached).

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    Post count: 13

    FOUND THE PROBLEM! And without the help of HostGator, who wanted to charge me an additional $15 to check further into the situation…

    Anyway, as I mentioned before I am technologically stupid, but I remembered reading that plugins can cause problems. And even though I haven’t added any new ones, my NextGEN Facebook has updates almost every week. So I deactivated it and voila, problem solved!

    I’m still looking for a new hosting service though, so if anyone has any suggestions…


    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    I am glad that your issue resolved.

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