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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #133445
    Post count: 61

    In a table, I cannot centre text in columns and have had to use (&-nbsp;) before content to ‘visually’ centre columns. When I update figures, I have to do it all over again, as it ‘Forgets’ the (&-nbsp;) I had entered.

    Also, I want to ‘justify’ the width of some boxed content, but the default justifies the text within the box, not the box itself.(please see screen grab and example attached.)

    I have tried various things with ‘Extra class name’, without success.

    Can you point me in the right direction?

    PLUS – neither table nor box appear centred on the page? Margins left and right are different? Why is that?

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Table looks good to me? All text is centred, what’s the issue?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 61

    I explained above. I have to insert blank spaces to achieve this.

      is what I mean.

    PLUS there are other issues on this post above. Could I ask you to look at the attachment and read the thread again? You will then understand what the issues are.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    To centre the table text you just need some css, if you can remove your spaces I’ll provide you with it.

    For the boxes, you should use the row asset for full width backgrounds

    – Kyle

    Post count: 61

    I have removed spaces.see here;

    Not sure the row asset feature solves this problem. I need to make the width of the box 1110 pixels wide. Tried to incorporate but does not work.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Add this to your custom css:

    table.standard_bordered th, table.standard_bordered td, table.striped_bordered th, table.striped_bordered td {
      font-size: 12px;
      text-align: center;

    If you’re referring to the site width, you can’t change that

    – Kyle

    Post count: 61

    Thanks Kyle. text Centering worked.

    As for the box at the bottom, I (client) just want(s) the box to be the same width as the table above it. That has to be possible.Maybe I have to somehow do it in HTML element, not boxed content?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Can you try put the table in a normal text box, not the full width one

    – Kyle

    Post count: 61

    Not a solution. That now justifies the text full width site? See attached.

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Add this to your custom css:

    .spb_box_text.coloured .box-content-wrap {
      margin: 0 15px;

    – Kyle

    Post count: 61


    Damnit! I had used margin-right and margin-left when I tried stuff, so close!

    simple when you know how. Thank you.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    No problem 🙂

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