I am having trouble using the revolution slider on my neighborhood theme. The directions for how to install or use the slider say:
“1. From the theme html use: <?php putRevSlider( “alias” ) ?> example: <?php putRevSlider(“slider 1”) ?>
For show only on homepage use: <?php putRevSlider(“slider 1″,”homepage”) ?>
For show on certain pages use: <?php putRevSlider(“slider 1″,”2,10”) ?>
2. From the widgets panel drag the “Revolution Slider” widget to the desired sidebar
3. From the post editor insert the shortcode from the sliders table.”
This is confusing. Do i need to do all of these things for the slide to work? What is the “theme html?” Is that a specific file in the directory or something i access in wordpress itself? I understand what #2 and #3 are telling me to do, but i don’t understand why they need to be done. Is there more detailed documentation for setting up the revolution slider? Please help.