New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Punch Problem getting demo content working

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  • Posted in: Punch
  • #131879
    Post count: 8

    I have looked at all the forum posts on installing the demo content, with no luck in getting the site to look like your demo site.

    I imported the file /Punch_v1.5.2/Demo Content/punch.wordpress.demo.content

    Then under Theme –> Customize I changed the “Static Front Page” to be to be “Portfolio – Standard”.

    The site is formatted similar to but it is missing the images.

    When I look at Media Library, I can see many images. So I do not understand why the homepage and other pages do not loook like

    Post count: 8

    Also, if I attempt to import again, I get the following messages.

    Your Import Is In Progress…

    The user – punchwp – is already exists

    Blazer is already exist

    Galapagos1 is already exist

    Galapagos2 is already exist

    CNV00009 is already exist

    CNV00084 is already exist

    CNV00085 is already exist

    CNV00091 is already exist

    CNV00084 is already exist

    CNV00085 is already exist

    CNV00091 is already exist

    L1010181 is already exist

    barca is already exist

    guatemala1 is already exist

    guatemala2 is already exist

    guatemala3 is already exist

    CNV00002 is already exist

    CNV00003 is already exist

    CNV00014 is already exist

    CNV00018 is already exist

    tgfg1 is already exist

    tgfg1 is already exist

    tgfg2 is already exist

    glintDesigns1 is already exist

    glintDesigns2 is already exist

    glintDesigns3 is already exist

    colombia1 is already exist

    colombia2 is already exist

    colombia4 is already exist

    colombia7 is already exist

    colombia8 is already exist

    colombia9 is already exist

    colombia1 is already exist

    colombia2 is already exist

    colombia8 is already exist

    colombia9 is already exist

    sanblas1 is already exist

    sanblas3 is already exist

    sanblas3 is already exist

    sanblas4 is already exist

    outsideSpace1 is already exist

    tadavies1 is already exist

    tadavies2 is already exist

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Already imported the demo images. Used your plugin Wp Advanced Importer.
    Please check if the images are ok.


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