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  • #131616
    Post count: 45


    I have articles in my blog which are made in the same pattern: a big image at 1/1 width, then two columns with an image an a text block for each subtitle.

    The text has never the same height, whereas the image has always the same ratio width/height. So when there is too much text, the image is not centered with the text block, and it’s not pretty.

    I tried to add a blank spacer in front of the image to make a fake margin, but I can’t set it to 1/2 width. Then I tried with a simple text block with a <div style=”height:50px;”>, but I couldn’t place it in front of my image without displacing the whole pattern (the page builder doesn’t allow to place two blocks on a side and one block on the other side, it automatically set the second block on a new row).

    And the image element doesn’t accept a “class” attribute, so I can’t set it in CSS 🙁

    So two questions:
    1. can we vertically center the blocks?
    2. if not, how to set a margin on image blocks (the margin wouldn’t be the same for each image)?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I’m afraid this functionality is not possible, sorry

    – Kyle

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