My issue is the following: My blog page uses the swiftcode for the mini blog. As I use the Swift builder for my posts, the automatically generated excerpt is blank and therefore unsatisfactory. So I use the custom excerpt field. I have a multi-lingual site using qtranslate (plus), yet this field is incapable of being translated.
My workaround has been to create two posts, one for English, one for Spanish and using a blog post category to select in each version of the blog page the posts from one language or the other.
The “next post” link at the bottom of each post lists all the posts not just the ones matching the language of the currently viewed post. This is awkward and as such I would like to avoid it.
Does anyone have any similar experience that could shed some light on a solution to this issue?
Ideally I’d like to just create one post and have translate it using qtranslate each time, rather than duplicating posts.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.