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  • #128209
    Jesper Billeskov
    Post count: 28

    Hi Swift,

    I have teamed up with a Danish company called ViaBill so that my customers can pay via installment payments over 24 months in stead of paying the full price up-front.

    ViaBill offers some pretty cool features, so that the customer can see how much he/she will have to pay pr. month for 24 months. The feature can be seen here below the total price:

    This has been set up by adding this script to the footer.php:
    (function(){var o=document.createElement(‘script’);
    var s=document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0];

    Afterwards, I have added this div tag to content-simple-product.php to insert the “ViaBill Pricetag” (the one that says “eller kun kr. xx pr. md.”) on the product page:
    <div style=”height:70px”>
    <div padding=”30px 0px 0px 0px” class=”ViaBill_pricetag_list” price=”<?php echo $product->get_price(); ?>”></div>

    I’m very satisfied with how this looks on the product page. However, I have two questions:

    1. The above mentioned scripts have been added to the parent theme and not the child theme. I guess this will make the “ViaBill Pricetags” disappear when WooCommerce or the Neighborhood Theme is updated. How should I add this to the child theme in stead of the parent theme? In my child theme I have only got the style.css and functions.php files.

    2. I want the “ViaBill Pricetag” to be shown on the cart and checkout page as well so that it looks like in the attached pictures. However, I’m not sure in which theme files I should add the div tags to do this. Could you lead me in the right direction?

    Looking forward to your reply.


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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Regarding the scripts you can include the javascript inside the custom js option in the Theme options.

    For the content-simple-product.php you should create it in the child theme using the same folder structure so it can overide the same existent file in the parent theme.

    Regarding 2#.
    Try in neighborhood\woocommerce\cart\cart-totals.php after Order Total code around line 78.

    It seems to be used for the Cart and checkout page.


    Jesper Billeskov
    Post count: 28

    Hi Rui!

    Thanks for your reply!

    What do you mean by “using the same folder structure” – Should I just make a copy of content-simple-product.php and place it in the child theme folder?


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    This means that inside your child theme you should create a woocommerce folder and inside copy the content-simple-product.php


    Jesper Billeskov
    Post count: 28

    Hi Rui,

    Regarding my second question (about the ViaBill PriceTag feature) it doesn’t seem to work when inserted around line 78 in neighborhood\woocommerce\cart\cart-totals.php. Inserting the div tag here will just make it look like in the attached screenshot (the ‘Proceed to checkout’ button etc. have disappeared). Do you know what to do?

    Looking forward to your reply!


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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Unfortunately we simply cannot support user customisations for 3rd party plugins, as these are done so at the user’s knowledge and responsibility. If you are struggling, I’d recommend that you seek a freelance developer if you need that functionality, potentially from one of the below resources:


    Hope that helps.

    – Kyle

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